Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Dan Murphy  The White House Un-American Activities Rag (Watergate)  The Outpost 
 2. Dan Murphy  The White House Un-American Activities Rag  The Outpost 
 3. Dave Espionage  Watergate  Not Patient Enough 
 4. Simon Flower  Simon Flower - Live at Watergate   
 5. Aryan  North American White Man  New Storm Rising 
 6. Erich Gliebe  The Jewish Assault on White American Values  American Dissident Voices 
 7. Erich Gliebe  The Jewish Assault on White American Values  American Dissident Voices 
 8. Rob Lane and Joseph Vitarelli  The White House  John Adams 
 9. Buddy Raye  We Have The Right Man In The White House  Song-poem Archived Music - Volume 8 - The Fruit of Self Control 
 10. Todd Snider  Conservative Christian, Right-Wing Republican, Straight, White, American Males  East Nashville Skyline   
 11. David Ippolito  Conservative Christian Right-wing Republican Straight White American Males  I Love the Company 
 12. Charlie Poole And The North Carolina Ramblers  White House Blues   
 13. White Colby  Living in the White House  Living in the White House 
 14. Helen Thomas  In the Front Row at the White House    
 15. Edward Crummey  What's Next on the road to the White House  Edward Crummey's Album 
 16. Edward Crummey  What's Next on the road to the White House  Edward Crummey's Album 
 17. Ian MacDougall  White House of Sheildaig  Before You Arrived 
 18. The Compassionate Conservatives  White House Crock  n/a 
 19. Bill Monroe  White House Blues  Crossroads: Southern Routes  
 20. Dad and the Boys  Reagan (in the white house)  Reagan (in the white house) 
 21. Dad and the Boys  Reagan (in the white house)  Reagan (in the white house) 
 22. Charlie Poole & The North Carolina Ramblers  White House Blues  Anthology Of American Folk Music, Vol. 1B: Ballads 
 23. Charlie Poole And The North Carolina Ramblers  White House Blues   
 24. Charlie Poole And The North Carolina Ramblers  White House Blues   
 25. Professor Richard King  The race for the White House  The University of Nottingham Podcast 
 26. Weirdomusic  Satan in the white house  What were we thinking? 
 27. Edward Crummey  What's Next on the road to the White House  Edward Crummey's Album 
 28. Charlie Poole And The North Carolina Ramblers  White House Blues   
 29. Ann Barefield PhD  From Slavery to the White House  SS2003-09-23 
 30. Woodward, Buddy & the Ghost Rockets  New White House Blues  Bootlegs 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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